Charisma Capsized

“MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, U.S. Coast Group Honolulu, this is the sailing vessel CHARISMA, CHARISMA, CHARISMA, MAYDAY”. These were words I hoped I never had to broadcast over the radio. In my 25 years of sailing, I always thought there would be a way out of problems at sea without calling for assistance. This day proved […]

Lessons Learned by Capsizing

Lessons LearnedCapsizing at Sea Below is a list of “Lessons Learned” that may help you if chaos strikes. A. Before Leaving The Dock 1. Think of Hawaiian waters as blue water sailing2. Risk assessment— mentally play out “what if” scenarios.3. Be as self reliant as you can be.4. Memorize immediate casualty control procedures for flooding,fire, […]

Pacific Rower

Roz is a passionate advocate for reducing plastic debris pollution which finds it’s way into our oceans and kills sea creatures. She has seen firsthand the plastic bags and nets that make their way from land into sea and can kill marine wildlife. We are happy to have supported her in her Pacific Row. Brocade-sponsored […]

Challenged America

Weatherguy.Com is a proud sponsor of CHALLENGED AMERICA endeavors. TRANSPAC 2005a crew of four sailors challenged by such physical disabilities as paraplegia and blindness sailed with their able-bodied captain in the 2,225-mile Trans-Pacific yacht race from southern Calif. to Hawaii. Representing Challenged America, a charitable sailing-education and rehabilitation organization, the team placed fourth in their […]